The Dinner Table

The Dinner Table

That’s all it is, a dinner table.

And yet it has the potential to be the most important area of overall health in the household. More than that treadmill in the garage, or that kettlebell you have lying in the back garden. And especially more than the fasting cookbook???? that you bought for £2.99.
One of the greatest things in life has to be sharing good food and maybe wine with people you love, Christmas, thanks giving, the Sunday roast at Mums etc can be amongst the happiest times of the year. The food, the drink, the company, the laughs, the tears, the games, the memories. They are the complete package.

The whole health aspect of sitting at the dinner table, with people close to you, should never be overlooked in my opinion. Especially with children.

– You chew your food more slowly
– You engage in conversation, and learn about each other.
– Stress levels drop.
– Family meals have the potential to reduce obesity in children and the chances of them
developing an unhealthy relationship with food.
– Trust is created
– From a personal standpoint, I know that if we are all sitting together at the table, I am
more likely to make an effort to produce a yummy, nutritious meal.

Yes, I agree we all have busy lives, stress, shift patterns. I understand, I really do. I am not some high and mighty health guru that is telling you that you must sit at the table every night or your life will be a complete mess.

It’s just about taking opportunities when they are presented to you. If you are only able to manage even once a week, I assure you, the effort to make it count will be worthwhile. And then hopefully you will try and make other efforts. Family meals don’t have to be elaborate. Work salads and vegetables into meals.Get everyone involved. Let kids help prepare meals and set the table. This can help inspire and encourage healthy eating for future generations.

There is no magic number,(as many as your life can manage). Nor is dinner more important than any other meals. If your family/student friends/loved ones find breakfast or weekend lunches easier meals for a gathering, then these also “count.” Start with what’s manageable in terms of scheduling and try to make it a routine. These small moments can build up and gain momentum to create stronger connections away from the table. The benefits of sitting together, making eye contact, engaging, go way beyond just nutrition.

From a health perspective, sometimes how you eat can be every bit as important as what you eat.

Yes to me, it really is that important. Family meals provide a sense of family unity and identity.

So when you can, put away your phones, switch off the tv, sit at the table, and relax!

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art,”
François de La Rochefoucauld.

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